- How to create an electronic signature template for mass use how to#
- How to create an electronic signature template for mass use pdf#
Use an online conversion tool like JPG to PNG to quickly and easily convert your file type.ĥ. If your signature file was created in a JPEG format, you’ll need to convert it to a PNG format for use when signing digital documents. Use digital tools like your smartphone editor or an online photo editor to neatly crop your handwritten signature to an acceptable size.Ĥ. Using your smartphone, tablet, or home scanner, take a photo or scan the image of your signature.ģ. Write your name on a piece of white paper using a ballpoint pen.
How to create an electronic signature template for mass use pdf#
Many PDF tools won’t allow users to insert images into the PDF, but they’ll often offer another way to sign. Signing PDF files using this method may be difficult or impossible, depending on the software you use.
How to create an electronic signature template for mass use how to#
Lastly, once you know how to get an electronic signature using some of the other methods, the workflow required to digitize your handwritten signature feels burdensome. You won’t have a digital ID or a digital certificate proving the authenticity of the signature. Signatures created in this way aren’t as secure as those created using dedicated software.
The simplest and most straightforward way to create a digital signature is to simply sign your name using a pen, take a photo of it, and upload it to a digital device.īut, while this method is simple and convenient, it comes with some downsides. Pros: Uses an actual, handwritten signature.Ĭons: Not as secure as other methods requires a digitization tool like a scanner or a smartphone with a camera less convenient once you know how to use other online signature tools difficult to use when signing PDFs. We discuss all of that (and more) in our Ultimate guide to electronic signatures, but the short version is that e-signing is typically faster and safer than signing by hand.Īnd it’s becoming increasingly common, with many analysts predicting that the value of the e-signature market will grow as much as 25% over the next decade.īelow, you’ll find a list of the most common signing methods in use today. If you’re new to e-signing, you might be wondering why you should sign documents using digital signatures rather than handwritten signatures. If you’re already familiar with electronic signatures, you can skip this part. In this guide, we’ll cover some of the most common ways that you can e-sign your PDFs, Word documents, Google docs, and more. Depending on the software tools at your disposal, creating signed documents using electronic signatures can be a frustrating process.